Silvercorp Metals Inc.(TSX:SVM, NYSEMKT:SVM) is pleased to report results of the first half of its 2017 exploration programs at the TLP and LME mines, Ying Mining District,Henan Province,China.
In the first half of 2017, the Company completed 17,230 meters (m) of underground diamond drilling and 6,196m of exploration tunneling at the TLP and LME mines. Underground drilling continuously extended the major mineralized vein structures along strike and downdip, and drift tunneling exposed high-grade mineralized zones at both mines.
Highlights of selected intersections of drill holes:
LME Mine:
- Hole ZKL51A21 intersected a 6.85m interval from 21.32m to 28.17m, 6.74m true width, of vein LM5E1 grading 419 grams per tonne (g/t) silver (Ag), 0.96% lead (Pb) and 0.38% zinc (Zn) at the 546m elevation, including a 0.58m interval from 23.46m to 24.04m, 0.57m true width grading 1,151g/t Ag, 5.81% Pb and 1.99% Zn, and a 2.16m interval from 41.33m to 43.49m, 2.12m true width, of vein LME grading 1,347 g/t Ag, 1.45% Pb and 0.68% Zn at the 539m elevation; and
- Hole ZKL5337 intersected a 7.50m interval from 297.36m to 304.86m, 5.38m true width, of vein LM5 grading 558g/t Ag, 3.31% Pb and 0.56% Zn at the 240m elevation, including a 0.60m interval from 300.94m to 301.54m, 0.43m true width grading 4,229g/t Ag, 19.76% Pb and 0.96% Zn.
TLP Mine:
- Hole ZKT2541 intersected an 1.17m interval from 86.19m to 87.36m, 0.80m true width, of vein T39W grading 1,577g/t Ag, 10.40% Pb and 3.10% Zn at the 796m elevation.
Highlights of selected mineralization zones exposed in exploration drift tunnels:
LME Mine:
- Drift Tunnel PD900-LM5E2-550-51NSYM exposed mineralization of 75m long and 1.07m wide (true width) grading 595 g/t Ag, 2.29% Pb and 0.78% Zn within vein structure LM5E on the 550m level.
TLP Mine:
- Drift Tunnel PD846-T16E-846-4SYM exposed mineralization of 45m long and 0.54m wide (true width) grading 1,621g/t Ag, 2.60% Pb and 0.24% Zn within vein structure T16E on the 846m level; and
- lDrift Tunnel PD820-T14-700-2NYM exposed mineralization of 119m long and 0.86m wide (true width) grading 406g/t Ag, 5.03% Pb and 0.54% Zn within vein structure T14 on the 700m level.
Diamond drill holes are designed to define and upgrade inferred mineral resource blocks and test for new mineral resources. Underground drilling is mainly conducted from current production levels to delineate the downdip and along-strike extensions of known mineralized vein structures in the production area and test for new veins in the previous less-explored areas.
The first half of 2017 drilling program at TLP and LME mines is briefly summarized in the following table:
Major Target Veins
Meters Drilled
Holes Completed
Samples Collected
Holes with Assay Received
Holes Intercepted Vein Structures
Holes Intercepted Mineralization
TLP Mine