Arizona Mining (TSX:AZ) has released the results of seven exploration drill holes from its current program on the Taylor zinc-lead-silver sulphide deposit located on its 100-per-cent-owned Hermosa project in Santa Cruz county, Arizona. This brings the total number of drill holes reported in the 2016-2017 program to fifty-three (53).

HDS-397 is a near vertical hole (-88 degrees) drilled to infill an area in the northwest of the previously reported resource area. HDS-397 intersected two (2) mineralized veins in the volcanics and eight (8) distinct mineralized CRD horizons with a total cumulative mineralized thickness of 453.5 feet. Several mineralized zones were intersected in the drill hole including:

62 feet assaying 6.5% zinc, 15.1% lead and 9.4 ounces per ton (“opt”) silver

– Including a 16 foot zone which assayed 10.7% zinc, 42.9% lead and 29.6 opt silver 222 feet assaying 5.9% zinc, 4.9% lead and 1.4 opt. silver

– Including a 107 foot zone which assayed 9.8% zinc, 8.0% lead and 2.3 opt silver

HDS-398 is a vertical drill hole located on the northeast margin of the previously reported mineral resource. The drill hole encountered ten (10) distinct CRD mineralized horizons with a cumulative thickness of 222.5 feet. Most notable among the mineralized horizons includes:

38.5 feet assaying 9.2% zinc, 5.4% lead and 3.9 opt. silver 51 feet assaying 8.9% zinc, 9.3% lead and 4.5 opt. silver

– Including a 17.5 foot zone which assayed 19.7% zinc, 22.4% lead and 11.4 opt silver 50 feet assaying 2.4% zinc, 5.5% lead and 2.0 opt. silver

– Including a 23.5 foot zone which assayed 4.4% zinc, 9.81% lead and 3.6 opt silver

HDS-400 is a vertical infill drill hole that intersected eight (8) CRD horizons with a cumulative thickness of 144.5 feet. The best interval in the drill hole was:

40.5 feet assaying 3.8% zinc, 4.2% lead and 1.7 opt silver

– Including a 9.5 foot zone which assayed 10.8% zinc, 11.3% lead and 5.4 opt silver

For a full list of the vein and CRD mineralized intervals from these holes and the remaining 4 holes (HDS-384, HDS-388, HDS-390 and HDS-392) please refer to Table I below.

CEO Jim Gowans commented: “The latest drill results indicate good continuity with respect to thickness and grade within the resource area and exploration drilling continues to provide good potential for expansion of the resource.”

Table I. ASSAY SUMMARIES FOR HDS-384, HDS-388, HDS-390, HDS-392, HDS-397, HDS-398 & HDS-400
From To Interval From To Interval Ag Pb Zn Cu
DH ID (feet) (feet) (in feet) (meters) (meters) (meters) opt % % %
HDS-384 988 1014.5 26.5 301.1 309.2 8.1 10.40 2.86 2.79 0.34
HDS-384 1209.5 1227 17.5 368.6 374.0 5.3 2.65 3.02 3.45 0.05
HDS-384 1377 1387 10 419.7 422.7 3.0 8.51 8.45 4.61 0.24
HDS-384 1417 1435 18 431.9 437.4 5.5 2.68 4.49 5.12 0.06
HDS-384 3435 3440 5 1046.9 1048.5 1.5 5.08 1.54 3.35 0.17
HDS-384 4309 4312 3 1313.3 1314.2 0.9 69.42 13.30 10.60 2.65
HDS-384 4334 4348.5 14.5 1320.9 1325.4 4.4 7.41 1.70 0.33 0.18
HDS-384 4472 4482 10 1363.0 1366.0 3.0 3.60 0.60 0.46 0.08

HDS-388 527 562 35 160.6 171.3 10.7 1.67 0.60 1.34 0.05
HDS-388 640 654 14 195.1 199.3 4.3 2.15 3.56 5.07 0.01
HDS-388 1367 1390 23 416.6 423.7 7.0 1.31 1.82 2.54 0.06
HDS-388 2058.5 2082 23.5 627.4 634.6 7.2 2.76 7.73 4.67 0.03
HDS-388 2637 2652 15 803.7 808.3 4.6 0.43 1.18 1.76 0.04
HDS-388 2747 2767 20 837.2 843.3 6.1 0.88 2.41 2.67 0.04
HDS-388 3227 3293.5 66.5 983.5 1003.8 20.3 1.98 1.87 1.36 0.05
HDS-388 3403.5 3415 11.5 1037.3 1040.8 3.5 1.32 3.69 4.22 0.28

HDS-390 805.5 812.5 7 245.5 247.6 2.1 6.77 0.80 2.22 0.03
HDS-390 1426 1429.5 3.5 434.6 435.7 1.1 18.03 15.60 25.80 0.19
HDS-390 1883.5 1887 3.5 574.1 575.1 1.1 6.33 2.65 6.08 0.28
HDS-390 3552.5 3556.5 4 1082.7 1084.0 1.2 14.99 5.24 0.11 0.02
HDS-390 4101 4122 21 1249.9 1256.3 6.4 1.84 1.87 2.91 0.12

HDS-392 1019 1028 9 310.6 313.3 2.7 3.56 3.88 4.64 0.07
HDS-392 1069 1119 50 325.8 341.1 15.2 5.29 3.78 4.72 0.17
HDS-392 1286 1289 3 392.0 392.9 0.9 10.09 10.45 3.88 0.17
HDS-392 3687 3690 3 1123.7 1124.7 0.9 9.01 1.57 1.07 0.49
HDS-392 3810 3830.5 20.5 1161.2 1167.5 6.2 2.02 1.53 0.14 0.01
HDS-392 3875 3878 3 1181.0 1182.0 0.9 2.64 4.64 8.33 0.01
HDS-392 4141 4158 17 1262.1 1267.3 5.2 1.29 2.66 4.18 0.06
HDS-392 4226.5 4229 2.5 1288.2 1288.9 0.8 4.38 10.20 19.30 0.23

HDS-397 763 772.5 9.5 232.6 235.4 2.9 9.66 2.15 2.42 0.27
HDS-397 836 851 15 254.8 259.4 4.6 9.59 4.1 4.25 0.44
HDS-397 1807 1826.5 19.5 550.7 556.7 5.9 1.05 2.08 1.32 0.13
HDS-397 1852 1865 13 564.5 568.4 4 1.32 2.09 3.66 0.06
HDS-397 2012 2102 90 613.2 640.7 27.4 0.83 0.73 1.09 0.06
HDS-397 2342.5 2404.5 62 714 732.9 18.9 9.35 15.08 6.54 0.37
Including 2347 2363 16 715.3 720.2 4.9 29.6 42.93 10.7 1.26
HDS-397 2452 2473 21 747.3 753.7 6.4 1.01 3.42 2.62 0.02
HDS-397 2500 2722 222 762 829.6 67.7 1.37 4.86 5.88 0.04
Including 2510 2617 107 765 797.6 32.6 2.25 8.01 9.84 0.06
HDS-397 2787 2807 20 849.4 855.5 6.1 1.2 3.58 3.9 0.02
HDS-397 3726 3732 6 1135.6 1137.5 1.8 5.51 1.13 0.67 0.32

HDS-398 613 622 9 186.8 189.6 2.7 3.21 3.10 2.64 0.08
HDS-398 922 932 10 281.0 284.1 3.0 1.06 1.05 4.34 0.04
HDS-398 1288.5 1327 38.5 392.7 404.4 11.7 3.88 5.42 9.20 0.37
HDS-398 1857 1908 51 566.0 581.5 15.5 4.47 9.32 8.93 0.16
Including 1890.5 1908 17.5 576.2 581.5 5.3 11.37 22.40 19.66 0.25
HDS-398 1987 1995 8 605.6 608.0 2.4 0.97 2.20 3.07 0.05
HDS-398 2105 2110.5 5.5 641.6 643.2 1.7 20.53 2.05 8.19 1.54
HDS-398 2617 2647 30 797.6 806.8 9.1 0.45 1.24 1.77 0.01
HDS-398 2837 2887 50 864.7 879.9 15.2 2.01 5.51 2.43 0.02
Including 2857 2880.5 23.5 870.8 877.9 7.2 3.57 9.81 4.39 0.04
HDS-398 3051.5 3061 9.5 930.1 932.9 2.9 1.38 3.27 0.24 0.00
HDS-398 3316.5 3327 10.5 1010.8 1014.0 3.2 5.70 17.28 8.60 0.05
HDS-398 3397 3407 10 1035.4 1038.4 3.0 0.91 2.58 2.57 0.03

HDS-400 1649 1689.5 40.5 502.6 514.9 12.3 1.73 4.19 3.78 0.52
HDS-400 1740 1749.5 9.5 530.3 533.2 2.9 5.41 11.32 10.81 0.35
HDS-400 2437 2460 23 742.8 749.8 7.0 0.42 1.22 1.77 0.01
HDS-400 2478.5 2502 23.5 755.4 762.6 7.2 1.08 3.45 4.33 0.09
HDS-400 2653.5 2659.5 6 808.7 810.6 1.8 1.67 4.71 6.25 0.06
HDS-400 2831.5 2834.5 3 863.0 863.9 0.9 4.55 15.40 1.13 0.00
HDS-400 2920.5 2932.5 12 890.1 893.8 3.7 0.75 2.33 2.46 0.01
HDS-400 3159 3186 27 962.8 971.0 8.2 1.12 2.96 2.11 0.14

Read full company profile.

Drill intersections with a combined zinc and lead grade of greater than 9% are bolded. CRD drill intervals are down-the-hole drill widths but are considered to be within +/- 5% of true width based on the dip of the ore body at 22 degrees. The exception to this are the intervals noted as veins. It is not possible to determine the true width of the veins based on the drill density and no representation is made here regarding true width of the veins.

Also, Arizona Mining would like to clarify certain statements made in its January 12, 2017 news release regarding the potential sale of concentrates from the Taylor Deposit, specifically comments made by Orion Mining Finance and Ocean Partners, USA Inc. The Company would like to remind the reader that the Company has not yet completed a preliminary economic assessment (“PEA”), or a mining study such as a preliminary feasibility study or feasibility study that supports the technical feasibility or economic viability of the Taylor Deposit including the marketability of the concentrate from the Taylor Deposit.

While the Company is currently working on a PEA expected to be completed by the end of the first quarter 2017, and further metallurgical test work on its potential concentrates, the reader is cautioned that a PEA is preliminary in nature and includes inferred mineral resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have any economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves. In addition, there is no certainty that the preliminary economic assessment will be realized.

Qualified Person

The results of the Arizona Mining Inc. drilling have been reviewed, verified and compiled by Donald R. Taylor, MSc., PG, Chief Operating Officer for Arizona Mining Inc., a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101). Mr. Taylor has more than 25 years of mineral exploration and mining experience, and is a Registered Professional Geologist through the SME (registered member #4029597).

Assays and Quality Assurance/Quality Control

To ensure reliable sample results, the Company has a rigorous QA/QC program in place that monitors the chain-of-custody of samples and includes the insertion of blanks, duplicates, and certified reference standards at statistically derived intervals within each batch of samples. Core is photographed and split in half with one-half retained in a secured facility for verification purposes.

Sample preparation (crushing and pulverizing) has been performed at ALS Minerals Laboratories, an ISO/IEC accredited lab located in Tucson, Arizona. ALS Minerals Laboratories prepares a pulp of all samples and sends the pulps to their analytical laboratory in Vancouver, B.C. Canada for analysis. ALS analyzes the pulp sample by ICP following a 4-acid digestion (ME-ICP61 for 33 elements) including Cu (copper), Pb (lead), and Zn (zinc). All samples in which Cu (copper), Pb (lead), or Zn (zinc) are greater than 10,000 ppm are rerun using four acid digestion with an ICP – AES finish (Cu-OG62; Pb-OG62; and Zn-OG62) with the elements reported in percentage (%). Silver values are determined by ICP (ME-ICP61) with all samples with silver values greater than 100 ppm repeated using four acid digestion with an ICP-AES finish (Ag-OG62) calibrated for higher levels of silver contained. Any values over 1,500 ppm Ag trigger a fire assay with gravimetric finish analysis. Gold values are determined by a 30 gm fire assay with an ICP-AES finish (Au-ICP21).

About Arizona Mining

Arizona Mining Inc. is a Canadian mineral exploration and development company focused on the exploration and development of its 100%-owned Hermosa Project located in Santa Cruz County, Arizona. The Taylor Deposit, a zinc-lead-silver carbonate replacement deposit, has a resource of 31.1 million tons in the Indicated Mineral Resource category grading 10.9% zinc equivalent (“ZnEq”) and 82.7 million tons in the Inferred Mineral Resource category grading 11.1% ZnEq both utilizing a 4% ZnEq cutoff grade calculated in accordance with NI 43-101 guidelines (refer to the Company’s news release dated October 31, 2016). The Taylor Deposit remains open to the north, west and south over land controlled by the Company and will be aggressively drilled to test the limits of the resource. The Company’s other project on the Hermosa property is the Central Deposit, a silver-manganese manto oxide project.

Click here to connect with Arizona Mining (TSX:AZ) to receive an Investor Presentation. 

The post Arizona Mining Reports Further Drilling Results at Hermosa-Taylor; Includes 16 Foot Interval Assaying 10.7% Zinc; 42.9% Lead and 29.6 OPT Silver Within Broader 62 Foot Mineralized Zone appeared first on Investing News Network.