– Italy is EU’s ticking timebomb as debt nears €2.4 trillion

– Italy’s GDP is just €1.85 trillion; National debt is 132% of economy

– Italy is politically dysfunctional at best of times; Now has populist left / right wing government

– National debt owed to other EU nations alone is 25% of its GDP

– Italy’s debt threatens global GDP; May wipe 0.4% off global GDP

– Default to create contagion in EU including a euro currency crisis

– All the focus is on Brexit and trade wars but “Italy is too big to bail and too big to fail”

– “Do not have all your eggs in one basket…”

– “Don’t panic. Diversify, diversify, diversify”


News and Commentary

Stocks Climb Before Earning Season; Dollar Weakens: Markets Wrap (Bloomberg.com)

Asian Stocks Gain; Dollar Steady Near Recent Lows (Bloomberg.com)

Asia shares edge higher, sterling slugged by UK politics, Brexit concerns (Reuters.com)

May’s Brexit Plan: The Details, The Overtures and The Meaning (Bloomberg.com)

Russia Joins Global Trade War – Imposes Tariffs On US Energy, Mining Imports (ZeroHedge.com)

Global trade war has kicked off (MoneyWeek.com)

Founder of world’s largest hedge fund says ‘first day of the war’ with China has begun (MarketWatch.com)

Hallmark of an economic Ponzi scheme – John Hussman (HussManFunds.com)

Govt economic advisor warns British defence planners that growth is ending (Medium.com)

We’re Witnessing Unusual Stock Market Behavior That Is Unlike Anything We’ve Seen Since 2008 (TheEconomicCollapseBlog.com)

Time to Buy Gold for a Trade (Investopedia.com)

Listen on SoundCloud , Blubrry & iTunesWatch on YouTube below

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Gold Prices (LBMA AM)

06 Jul: USD 1,254.20, GBP 947.55 & EUR 1,071.09 per ounce

05 Jul: USD 1,252.50, GBP 946.89 & EUR 1,071.64 per ounce

04 Jul: USD 1,256.90, GBP 951.47 & EUR 1,079.80 per ounce

03 Jul: USD 1,245.85, GBP 944.85 & EUR 1,068.81 per ounce

02 Jul: USD 1,249.00, GBP 948.87 & EUR 1,072.39 per ounce

29 Jun: USD 1,250.55, GBP 950.29 & EUR 1,073.85 per ounce

Silver Prices (LBMA)

06 Jul: USD 16.00, GBP 12.09 & EUR 13.66 per ounce

05 Jul: USD 15.95, GBP 12.04 & EUR 13.65 per ounce

04 Jul: USD 16.05, GBP 12.15 & EUR 13.78 per ounce

03 Jul: USD 15.93, GBP 12.08 & EUR 13.68 per ounce

02 Jul: USD 15.98, GBP 12.14 & EUR 13.73 per ounce

29 Jun: USD 16.03, GBP 12.20 & EUR 13.77 per ounce

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