Today we bring you two video interviews about the current state of the gold market:

Gold Speculators Are Least Bullish in Years and What If Gold Breaks $1200?

Are gold speculators really the least bullish that they have been in years?

In this video we look at what the charts are suggesting. While gold speculators are almost always long the charts are showing that they are the least long that they have been in a while. Historically, when this has happened, gold has rallied.

Are we on the verge of the next move higher for gold?

What if gold goes lower and breaks $1,200/oz?

Gold is technically still in an uptrend with higher lows still being achieved. The strong support level at $1,200 has been breached since this video was recorded.

So what is next for the price of gold? Are we going to see a further leg down in the price or will it rally from here?

Stephen Flood CEO of talks to Carley Garner of and gets her interpretation of what the charts are suggesting.

Watch these videos and more on our YouTube channel here


Carley Garner of


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Listen on SoundCloud , Blubrry & iTunesWatch on YouTube below

Gold Prices (LBMA AM)

21 Aug: USD 1,194.10, GBP 931.28 & EUR 1,036.12 per ounce

20 Aug: USD 1,188.75, GBP 933.29 & EUR 1,042.41 per ounce

17 Aug: USD 1,176.70, GBP 925.59 & EUR 1,032.79 per ounce

16 Aug: USD 1,179.65, GBP 928.38 & EUR 1,037.74 per ounce

15 Aug: USD 1,186.70, GBP 933.10 & EUR 1,047.74 per ounce

14 Aug: USD 1,195.30, GBP 935.32 & EUR 1,049.11 per ounce

13 Aug: USD 1,204.40, GBP 944.85 & EUR 1,058.19 per ounce

Silver Prices (LBMA)

21 Aug: USD 14.78, GBP 11.52 & EUR 12.83 per ounce

20 Aug: USD 14.76, GBP 11.57 & EUR 12.93 per ounce

17 Aug: USD 14.66, GBP 11.54 & EUR 12.87 per ounce

16 Aug: USD 14.61, GBP 11.51 & EUR 12.85 per ounce

15 Aug: USD 14.83, GBP 11.66 & EUR 13.10 per ounce

14 Aug: USD 15.04, GBP 11.77 & EUR 13.18 per ounce

13 Aug: USD 15.18, GBP 11.91 & EUR 13.35 per ounce

Recent Market Updates

– Russia Buys 800,000 Ounces Of Gold In July

– Gold Season – Is This It?

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– Jim Rogers – Making China Great Again! (Video)

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The post Video: Gold Speculators Are Least Bullish in Years appeared first on GoldCore Gold Bullion Dealer.

Stephen Flood