CONTACT: COL Steven Ellsworth, ret. Butternut 703.802-0252
Clifton, Virginia—Colonel Steven Ellsworth, ret. of the Butternut Company has announced the annual selection of “The Best Secured Coin Shows for year 2015.” COL Ellsworth personally attended over 40 coin shows and conventions in 2015, closely observing and evaluating the various types of security measures provided to both dealers and the public. In addition, he receives numerous reports from across the nation from coin dealers, collectors and crime-incident reports from the media and law enforcement sources. This is the 19th year a report with show-listings has been named.
“For the past 20 years, I\’ve had the privilege of helping new- as well as experienced dealers by writing articles regarding security; I am also a principal instructor on how to build a solid, successful business and teach sound security protection-measures during the American Numismatic Association\’s (ANA) Summer Seminars in Colorado Springs. By all accounts, these educational sessions have been rewarding for the students as well as from the physic income I garner from the students and the other attendees,” said Ellsworth.
He went on to describe some of his instructional techniques in which he requires students to create a basic balance sheet for the fictitious ABC Coin Company. When students list the assets of a typical coin business, by far, the single most valuable asset of the company\’s is the inventory of coins, noting that most students do not own a stationary store-front. If all- or most of a company\’s inventory is lost, the survival of the coin business will be questionable. If this basic financial reality is correct, then why would a dealer or serious collector not implement as many security strategies and measures possible to minimize such risks? The answer is usually the same; “This is the way we have always done it and have not had a problem yet”. With that logic, why not cancel your home liability, fire and flood insurance since you have not had a claim since you owned your home? In today\’s social and economic environment, whatever you can do to improve your own- as well as your family\’s security is never enough.
The USA economy is still recovering at a slow pace and will likely do so for 2016. Although violent crimes continue to decrease, robberies and thefts continue to increase. The 2016 economy will likely be a repeat for criminal endeavors. The coin business is still a very lucrative target for criminals, especially since our hobby\’s gathering sites are so well-advertised.
“Over the years, I continued to address and emphasize two very important items to help manage the risks associated with valuables:
1st; develop a written security plan. The casual disregard in the need to draft a written security plan, by the majority of dealers and collectors, is still a major security lapse facing our industry. It does not matter if you\’re a part-time dealer, collector or employed by one of the major numismatic firms, without a written plan, you are not being pro-active in managing risks against you and/or your business. Without a written plan, your security plan is just an idea! Remember; your plan is relevant and remains dynamic when it\’s updated, actively engaged (used) to keep pace annually with your business trends, travel schedule, or hobby pursuits. Plan to review and update your business\’s security plan in January!
2nd; NEVER, LEAVE VALABLES UNATTENDED in your vehicle. This rule seems so basic; yet, for over nineteen years, I have been emphasizing this simple, basic security measure. Still, nearly every other week, I hear that a dealer or collector has had their collection and inventory stolen when it was left in a unoccupied vehicle. Occasionally, most of us have had to leave a vehicle unattended, while transporting valuables, but we have been lucky…simply lucky! It only take 15 seconds for a thief to gain entry into your locked vehicle. As predicted, several dealers or collectors were virtually wiped-out from theft and terminated their businesses, while some collectors relinquish the hobby altogether.
Why is this security concept so difficult to grasp; and, so seldom followed by so many victims of theft?
“Importantly; a plan which is not written down is considered only an idea. Don\’t make a mistake which lessens your safety, security and life,” stated Ellsworth.
The American Numismatic Association has been proactive for a number of years by offering security courses during their Colorado Springs, Summer Seminar Sessions. They have also co-sponsored seminars with Doug Davis of Numismatic Crime Information Center for Federal, State, County and Local law enforcement officers and how better to investigate numismatic crimes. The Summer Seminar course “Think Like a Thief” is an excellent solution to help prevent you from being a targeted and to keep you and your family and co-workers from being a victim. This highly effective program is offered every other year. This in depth intensive four-day security course on managing your risks in your home, office, store, shows and while traveling. This is a course well worth your time and consideration regardless the size of your business. For more information on the security courses contact: Susan McMillan, ANA Education Project Manager 719.482-9850, Email:
“All shows listed below were actually attended by our company or its representative. It is evident that some show-managers or promoters are taking the safety of their exhibitors and attendees more seriously; however, many still do not prosecute shoplifters. Simply throwing a shoplifter out-of-a-show creates an incentive to repeat their crimes; as well as an example for other criminals to follow. Even though it\’s time-consuming and somewhat costly, dealers and bourse-chairs must accept the responsibility to prosecute an offender. On a final note; when performing security personnel briefings, advise employees to refrain from casual viewing or surfing the internet from I-pads or cell phones when working; and, limit their use to only “must answer” calls. It is impossible for them to be texting and still be vigilant when it comes to security.
Below and in alphabetical order, are some of the shows attended in 2015, which placed security as a top priority, rather than a bi-product of the show. The objective in formulating an annual list is to help ensure security measure