PNG Donates To ICTA’s Anti-Counterfeiting Efforts

By |2018-08-29T22:16:36+00:00August 29th, 2018|Coin Shop Blog|Comments Off on PNG Donates To ICTA’s Anti-Counterfeiting Efforts

To help fight fake numismatic merchandise in the marketplace, the Professional Numismatists Guild ( has donated $15,525 to the Industry Council for Tangible Assets Anti-Counterfeiting Task Force ( “Our PNG Board members personally donated $10,500 and the remainder of the money came from a portion of the fee for PNG members who took tables at the 2018 PNG/ANA Numismatic Trade Show in Philadelphia,” explained PNG Executive Director Robert Brueggeman. The donation was announced by PNG President Barry Stuppler at the PNG Awards banquet in Philadelphia, August 13. “Counterfeiting is a problem that potentially confronts every dealer and every collector, and [...]