Gold Party Scam – More Cash Or Basically A Rip Off?

By |2018-07-13T23:43:01+00:00July 13th, 2018|Coin Shop Blog|Comments Off on Gold Party Scam – More Cash Or Basically A Rip Off?

How about having a Selling Gold for Cash party? Yep, invite your friends to come over and make hundreds on their old jewelry, and just watch how fast they RSVP. Tell them to bring old mismatched, miscolored bent ugly pieces of gold. Even fillings from Crazy Auntie's teeth.Then ask the we-pay-cash-for-gold-folks to come over and bring their handy dandy Gold Detector Light. Provide some munchies and a couple of bottles of wine, and sit back and watch the fun. When most of us think about how to sell gold los angeles and other jewelry, the first thing that comes to [...]