A Coin Shop, A Smile, And The Persistence Of Memory

By |2017-07-06T15:21:33+00:00July 7th, 2017|Coin Shop Blog|Comments Off on A Coin Shop, A Smile, And The Persistence Of Memory

coin shop Rural Hall The Sovereign Military Order of Malta has been headquartered in Rome since 1834. Today, S.M.O.M. has permanent observer status in the United Nations and claims to be a sovereign entity. Since it doesn't own any sovereign territory like Vatican City does, per say, many international experts dispute the claims that S.M.O.M. is a foreign country despite the fact that S.M.O.M. has diplomatic and official relations with close to 100 countries. This Catholic lay order now basically serves for ceremonial and humanitarian purposes. So let the controversy rage on, but Rome travelers can visit the post office [...]