Silver Mines in Australia – Who’s Digging, and Where?

By |2018-08-29T22:14:06+00:00August 29th, 2018|Coin Shop Blog|Comments Off on Silver Mines in Australia – Who’s Digging, and Where?

Mining is a big part of Australia's history, and it continues to shape the country's economy and position in the world today. The nation is one of the world's top producers and exporters of resources, with coal, uranium, copper and gold being some of its best-known commodities. Australia is also a key producer of silver - it was the world's seventh-largest producer of the metal in 2017, putting out 1,200 MT. Interestingly, the majority of the country's silver is produced as a by-product at highly mechanized underground lead–zinc and/or copper mines. Refined silver comes mainly from the Port Pirie lead smelter [...]