Aftermarket Mint Set Envelopes: Good or Bad for Uncirculated Set Collectors?

By |2018-07-13T22:18:58+00:00July 13th, 2018|Coin Shop Blog|Comments Off on Aftermarket Mint Set Envelopes: Good or Bad for Uncirculated Set Collectors?

By Joshua McMorrow-Hernandez, Editor   I love collecting mint sets. Like many other hobbyists, I built a complete run of uncirculated sets ranging from 1959 through the present. In building this large collection of uncirculated sets, I've gained some knowledge on the variety of mint set packaging formats over the years. Maybe my interests in collecting mint sets with their original packaging stem somewhat from one of my other pastimes: my love of vintage theme park maps and brochures – ephemera as we paper-loving hobbyists call such paper collectibles.   Pre-2007 uncirculated mint sets were originally packaged in paper envelopes, [...]