Gold Set to Soar Above $1,300 – Goldman and Bank of America

By |2018-09-25T22:06:59+00:00September 25th, 2018|Coin Shop Blog|Comments Off on Gold Set to Soar Above $1,300 – Goldman and Bank of America

Gold Set to Soar Above $1,300 – Goldman and Bank of America – Growing fiscal gap in U.S. is viewed as 'positive' for gold bullion – Goldman has joined the chorus of bulls, seeing gold at $1,325/oz in 12 months – Increasingly bullish gold calls follow Ray Dalio's warning on U.S. dollar crisis: dollar will “plunge” as the U.S. government “prints money” by Bloomberg Gold is set to surge over the next year as concerns deepen about the widening U.S. budget deficit and a tariff-driven trade war starts to damage the country's economy, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Bullion could [...]