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coin collecting

7 07, 2017

Where Could I Find Five Ounce Silver America Attractive Coins?

By |2017-07-06T15:21:35+00:00July 7th, 2017|Coin Shop Blog|Comments Off on Where Could I Find Five Ounce Silver America Attractive Coins?

Everything you have as probably some sort of value attached to it. Sometimes this value is founded on how you feel about a certain item, while other items are given values assigned by others. The same applies to old coins and other coins in you collection. While professional coin dealers or expert coin collectors will know the old coin value for various coins, we may have no idea about this. You also have another avenue to invest in Silver and it may be in your pocket right now. Any Silver nickel or dime that was produced in 1964 or earlier [...]

7 07, 2017

Old Coin Value – What’s Vital?

By |2017-07-06T15:21:31+00:00July 7th, 2017|Coin Shop Blog|Comments Off on Old Coin Value – What’s Vital?

coin shop Walnut Cove When I'm asked if you can buy rare American coins, world gold coins, silver eagles, or bullion coins with a credit card, the simple answer is "yes". But there are only certain dealers or venues that will accept your card. So, it is possible to buy coins with a charge card, if you shop at the places which accept them. (Q) What does BullionVault offer the regular monthly investor who wants to buy a couple of ounces each month for his long term investments....what advantages does BV offer over the one ounce Krugerrands found at a [...]