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buying silver

8 07, 2017

Where Is The Best Shop To Buy Silver?

By |2017-07-06T15:23:10+00:00July 8th, 2017|Coin Shop Blog|Comments Off on Where Is The Best Shop To Buy Silver?

The latest data from California's Employment Development Department shows that the county's unemployment rate increased to 10.5% in July. As you've learned over the past few years the data from the state agency and the national Bureau of Labor Statistics are flawed. The data only reports the people who are actually looking for work along with the people coin shop Mocksville hired during the reporting period. Does the local Chamber of Commerce give these people little bonuses for their skewed reports or are they simply using outdated economic software to make their predictions and reports each month? After all is [...]

8 07, 2017

How Start Off A Coin Collection

By |2017-07-06T15:22:47+00:00July 8th, 2017|Coin Shop Blog|Comments Off on How Start Off A Coin Collection

Everything that we have has some type of value placed on it. Some of these values are given based on how we feel about them. Other items are given values that have been assigned by others. This basing of values applies to old coins and the other coins that you will find coin collections. While many coin shops and coin dealers will know the old coin value for many coins, we may have no idea about this. (Q) What does BullionVault offer the regular monthly investor who wants to buy a couple of ounces each month for his long term [...]

7 07, 2017

Investing In Gold Coins

By |2017-07-06T15:21:34+00:00July 7th, 2017|Coin Shop Blog|Comments Off on Investing In Gold Coins

I am going to catch a lot of flak for writing this short article, but I really want to prevent first time gold bullion coin buyers from being ripped off... often by their own Governments. Firstly you have to recognize the value of this. Buying this is a great way to store real value. But you also have to understand the reasons as to why you should undertake this investment. The best thing to do before you start buying silver coins is to do a search on the internet for any person who is selling this in your area. You [...]

6 07, 2017

Things To Learn When You Sell Coins

By |2017-07-06T15:20:44+00:00July 6th, 2017|Coin Shop Blog|Comments Off on Things To Learn When You Sell Coins

coin shop Greensboro There are a lot of coin how-to's on the internet, in publications that you can purchase and even advice from seasoned collectors but there is very little in the way of how to start a collection for beginners. The information can be overwhelming and confusing. From which coins are out there that beginners have never even heard of to techincal jargon such as MS, PR and VAM for example. Where should you start? Here are my top five tips for breaking into the facinating world of coin collecting without breaking the bank. To earn the spread you [...]