FUN FEATURES: It’s Easy to Track Your Favorite Items on the Greysheet Website

By |2018-09-04T22:12:44+00:00September 4th, 2018|Coin Shop Blog|Comments Off on FUN FEATURES: It’s Easy to Track Your Favorite Items on the Greysheet Website

We've quietly been adding a lot of features to the Greysheet website. One great feature is the ability to track “Favorites” in your pricing screens. Tracking favorites is a great way to easily access the coins and currency you refer to most and the items show up online and your app as well. First, you have to log in. But you don't need to be a paid subscriber to use this feature. However, you do need to to be a subscriber to view wholesale (Greysheet & Greensheet) pricing. To add an item to favorites, click the heart icon on any page to [...]