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2 08, 2017

Basic Thumb Rules To Hold Baseball Cards

By |2017-07-31T19:31:49+00:00August 2nd, 2017|Coin Shop Blog|Comments Off on Basic Thumb Rules To Hold Baseball Cards

collecting baseball cards The public domain is an amazing resource - literally a product developer's dream. When it comes to the types of public domain projects you can create, the limit is really your imagination. This article examines five different ways you can use public domain materials to build an income stream. The Topps Candy Company started manufacturing bubble gum at the end of World War II. The company introduced the famous Bazooka Bubble Gum. This was named after the musical instrument that was created in the 1930s by Bob Burns. As an added gimmick, the gum had "Bazooka Joe" [...]

31 07, 2017

Where To Search For The Best Baseball Cards

By |2017-07-31T19:30:06+00:00July 31st, 2017|Coin Shop Blog|Comments Off on Where To Search For The Best Baseball Cards

Sports card collecting appeals to a wide variety of people from different age groups and backgrounds. These people collect for various reasons which range from the love of sports to monetary gain. The sports cards themselves have grown to represent most of the major sports including Nascar. Remember all those old sports cards wholesale you kept hoping would be worth some money some day? Well, Collectors Universe is one of the companies you would contact to have the cards graded. With a market cap of almost $139 million, Collectors Universe fits nicely in the micro-cap world, but its yield is [...]

31 07, 2017

Increase Your Ebay Profits By Selling More Items

By |2017-07-31T19:29:47+00:00July 31st, 2017|Coin Shop Blog|Comments Off on Increase Your Ebay Profits By Selling More Items

baseball trading cards We know that bond prices, like anything else with a price, can be tracked on a point and figure chart. We can also monitor the relative strength of bonds, just like we do with stocks. Also, when bonds in general gave a relative strength sell signal over two years ago, we knew that this group would likely perform poorly, when compared with the rest of the overall market. If you're not into garage sales or flea markets of the like, then maybe try eBay. They wrote the book on how to earn extra money, and are a [...]