Ulster Bank Parent RBS Fails Bank of England Stress Test

“Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)(RBS.L) will cut costs and sell assets to boost capital levels, it said on Wednesday after failing this year’s Bank of England stress test, which warned of a “challenging” outlook for Britain’s financial system.

The state-backed lender rushed out a statement following the announcement to say it would take a range of actions, including selling off bad loans and cutting costs to make up the capital shortfall identified by the tests of around 2 billion pounds.

The unexpected result underlines the litany of problems RBS is grappling with, which include a mounting legal bill for misconduct ahead of the 2008 financial crisis and difficulties selling off assets such as its Williams & Glyn banking business.

The lender said it had agreed a plan of action with the Prudential Regulation Authority, the Bank of England’s enforcement arm, that should mean it does not have to tap markets to raise the money needed.”

From Reuters

We warned of the RBS, Ulster Bank ‘£100 Billion Black Hole’ and the bail-in risk due to the ‘danger of failing’ in June 2014 here

Bail-ins can now be used in the UK, EU, U.S. and G20 countries. Banks internationally and especially in Europe remain vulnerable.

After Cyprus, which country will be the next to suffer bail-ins? Will RBS and by extension Ulster Bank, be the first UK and Irish banks to be subject to bail-ins?

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Gold and Silver Bullion – News and Commentary

Gold prices firm as markets brace for OPEC meeting (Reuters.com)

Trump to tap ex-Goldman Sachs banker Steven Mnuchin as Treasury secretary (MarketWatch.com)

Trump to name Wilbur Ross as commerce secretary (MarketWatch.com)

Gold prices register third decline in 4 sessions (MarketWatch.com)

Trump is meeting with an ex-bank CEO who wants to abolish the Federal Reserve and return to the gold standard (BusinessInsider.com)

War on Cash and Gold In India to Benefit Silver? (TheConversation.com)

Trump Considers Strong Gold Standard Advocate for Treasury Secretary (AveryBGoodMan.com)

Italy Seen More Likely To Exit Eurozone Than Greece; Italian Bond Yields Surge (ZeroHedge.com)

What Investors Can Learn From Gold Priced In Yen? (Gold-Eagle.com)

Palladium: Signals of Market Supply Shortage (SafeHaven.com)


Gold Prices (LBMA AM)

30 Nov: USD 1,187.40, GBP 952.06 & EUR 1,115.44 per ounce

29 Nov: