Puma Exploration (TSXV:PUMA; SSEV:PUMACL; US:PUXPF) and Trevali Mining Corporation (TSX:TV) (“Trevali”) completed their Phase 1 Drilling Program on the Murray Brook Deposit. The Murray Brook Deposit, which is the core of the Strategic Alliance between the companies, is located 10 kilometers west of Trevali’s Caribou Mine and 10 kilometers east of Trevali’s Restigouche Deposit in the Bathurst Mining Camp of New Brunswick, Canada.

The Program consisted of 4,481 meters of drilling within 13 new holes and the deepening of hole MB17-01. All the drilling was collared on the Murray Brook Deposit with various locations, orientations and angles. Three (3) distinct objectives were successfully achieved for the program which are consistent with the main goal to move the Murray Brook Deposit to a production decision in a timely manner.

Those objectives were:

1. To collect metallurgical samples representative of the different metal

domains of the deposit;

a. Seven (7) holes were done for a total of 1,559 meters;

b. All the drill holes intersected the Massive Sulphide Deposit which

match perfectly with the Model;

c. A total of 898 meters of Massive Sulphide was intersected in the holes

with continuous intersection varying from 36.60 meters to 209.75

meters. The samples are currently assayed;

2. To collect geotechnical information of the hanging wall and footwall

host rock;

a. Four (4) oriented holes were done for a total of 850 meters;

b. The holes are currently surveyed for RQD, fractures analyses and Packer

Test will be initiated;

c. The analyses will provide information to define the more appropriate

mining method as an open pit and/or an underground operation;

3. To explore the depth and lateral extensions of the Murray Brook Deposit;

a. Two (2) new holes, and the extension of one (1) metallurgical hole, of two

(2) geotechnical hole and of hole MB17-01 were drilled for a total of 2,026

meters of new exploration;

b. Intense chloritization and silicification characterizing VMS deposits were

intersected in all the exploration holes;

c. Sulphide Mineralization from trace to massive including primarly pyrite but

also Sphalerite (Zn), Chalcopyrite (Cu) and Pyrrhotite (Fe) were

intersected in all the exploration holes;

d. Typical Zn-Cu-Po veining and alteration VMS feeder zone were intersected

at depth in hole MB17-01;

“We are very excited about the new discoveries in the recent drilling program at Murray Brook Deposit, in particular in hole MB18-10 where consistent mineralization and alteration where intercepted from 250 meters to 365 meters and in the extension of hole MB17-01 from 625 meters to 750 meters. Those area where never drilled before.” Notes Marcel Robillard, President and CEO of Puma Exploration.

The technical team is currently logging and sampling the drill holes and supervising the execution of Borehole geophysical surveys. The survey is aimed at localising new mineralised zones at the proximity of the recent drill holes and to characterize the mineralization intersected in the holes. Geologists are also preparing the drill sites for the upcoming drilling program on the Murray Brook East Property.

Highlights of the 2018 Phase 1 Drilling Program at the Murray Brook Deposit:

Drillhole Easting Northing Azimuth Dip Length (m) Objective
MB18-01 693363 5266826 185 -65 125 Met
MB18-02 693192 5266696 350 -65 264 Met
MB18-03 693192 5266696 180 -75 125 Met
MB18-04 693197 5266798 60 -50 275 Met
MB18-05 693190 5266852 240 -75 374 Met + Explo
MB18-06A 693220 5266806 250 -63 242 Met
MB18-07 693190 5266852 330 -80 278 Met
MB18-08 693189 5266761 350 -45 200 Geotech
MB18-09 693177 5266762 170 -45 341 Geotech + Explo
MB18-10 693165 5266770 250 -45 550 Geotech + Explo
MB18-11 693165 5266770 70 -45 296 Geotech
MB18-13 693413 5266740 170 -45 329 Explo