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Irish Gold Money Rings Found – Mystery Surrounds What May Be Ancient, Pre-Historic Currency

– Irish gold artefacts form pre-history discovered in  field in Ireland

– “Very significant” find by farmer of “arm sized” rings in Donegal

– Irish gold artefacts akin to bracelets may be some sort of currency or money says Museum curator

(Photo: Caroline Carr, Donegal County Museum)

An Irish farmer from County Donegal has discovered gold artefacts believed to be an ancient currency or money thousands of years old and from pre-history.

Norman Witherow uncovered the gold objects on Saturday when he was digging a drain in a field

The artefacts remained in his kitchen and car boot until Tuesday when his friend, who is a jeweller, told him that it needed to be reported.

Initial observations by staff from the National Museum of Ireland date the gold from at least the Bronze Age (c. 3200–600 BC) or even earlier.

Experts from the Donegal County Museum believe that the artefacts were used as some sort of currency during the Bronze Age.

The beautiful round gold objects, which are over four inches in diameter, are too big to be rings and too small to be bracelets and hence the view that they may be a form of ancient currency or money.

Museum staff were shocked and astounded by the discovery of the gold artefacts.

“This is a once in a lifetime find for our county and we are absolutely delighted,” said assistant curator of the Donegal County Museum Caroline Carr.


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Gold Prices (LBMA AM)

04 Jul: USD 1,256.90, GBP 951.47 & EUR 1,079.80 per ounce

03 Jul: USD 1,245.85, GBP 944.85 & EUR 1,068.81 per ounce

02 Jul: USD 1,249.00, GBP 948.87 & EUR 1,072.39 per ounce

29 Jun: USD 1,250.55, GBP 950.29 & EUR 1,073.85 per ounce

28 Jun: USD 1,250.50, GBP 955.26 & EUR 1,081.68 per ounce

27 Jun: USD 1,256.80, GBP 951.40 & EUR 1,079.97 per ounce

Silver Prices (LBMA)

04 Jul: USD 16.05, GBP 12.15 & EUR 13.78 per ounce

03 Jul: USD 15.93, GBP 12.08 & EUR 13.68 per ounce

02 Jul: USD 15.98, GBP 12.14 & EUR 13.73 per ounce

29 Jun: USD 16.03, GBP 12.20 & EUR 13.77 per ounce

28 Jun: USD 16.11, GBP 12.30 & EUR 13.90 per ounce

27 Jun: USD 16.21, GBP 12.27 & EUR 13.93 per ounce

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