– Is the currency reset or global monetary reset (GMR) upon us?

– Russia dumped half their US Treasuries in April ($47.4 billion out of the $96.1 billion it had held) and bought 600k ozs of gold worth less than $800 million in May

– Has the IMF “pegged” gold to SDRs at 900 SDR per ounce?

– China stops buying US Treasuries and quietly accumulates gold

– China has over $3 trillion in fx reserves and Russia has $461 billion

– Physical gold market is tiny vis-à-vis fx markets & bond markets

– Gold diversification by large creditor nations to end manipulation

– Gold to be revalued much higher – $10,000/oz or higher possible

– Time of the essence and vital to own gold in safest way possible


Gold Price in SDRs (IMF and World Gold Council data)Internet Services - NEC



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News and Commentary

Gold firms in rebound session ahead of holiday break (MarketWatch.com)

Gold bounces from seven-month low as dollar softens (Reuters.com)

Facebook and Apple dips leave Wall Street lower (Reuters.com)

U.S. factory orders increase, equipment spending cooling (Reuters.com)

U.S. Stocks Fall on Tech Weakness; Oil Rises (Bloomberg.com)

Manhattan real estate has worst second quarter since financial crisis (CNBC.com)

Comex Gold Price Doesn’t Reflect Physical Gold Market – Swiss Asia Capital (Bloomberg.com)

The Eurozone’s Coming Debt Crisis (TheEpochTimes.com)

Something Is Afoot In Global Macro Markets – Morgan Stanley (ZeroHedge.com)

All of us – even the men – can learn to be better investors (MoneyWeek.com)

Cryptocurrency exchange theft surges in first half of 2018: Report (Reuters.com)


Listen on SoundCloud , Blubrry & iTunesWatch on YouTube below

Social Media & Networking

Gold Prices (LBMA AM)

03 Jul: USD 1,245.85, GBP 944.85 & EUR 1,068.81 per ounce

02 Jul: USD 1,249.00, GBP 948.87 & EUR 1,072.39 per ounce

29 Jun: USD 1,250.55, GBP 950.29 & EUR 1,073.85 per ounce

28 Jun: USD 1,250.50, GBP 955.26 & EUR 1,081.68 per ounce

27 Jun: USD 1,256.80, GBP 951.40 & EUR 1,079.97 per ounce

26 Jun: USD 1,257.15, GBP 949.15 & EUR 1,077.63 per ounce

25 Jun: USD 1,269.80, GBP 959.46 & EUR 1,090.25 per ounce

Silver Prices (LBMA)

03 Jul: USD 15.93, GBP 12.08 & EUR 13.68 per ounce

02 Jul: USD 15.98, GBP 12.14 & EUR 13.73 per ounce

29 Jun: USD 16.03, GBP 12.20 & EUR 13.77 per ounce

28 Jun: USD 16.11, GBP 12.30 & EUR 13.90 per ounce

27 Jun: USD 16.21, GBP 12.27 & EUR 13.93 per ounce

26 Jun: USD 16.23, GBP 12.25 & EUR 13.90 per ounce

25 Jun: USD 16.38, GBP 12.35 & EUR 14.05 per ounce

Recent Market Updates

– Italian Debt – A Financial Disaster Waiting To Happen

– As The Currency Reset Begins – Get Gold As It Is “Where The Whole World Is Heading”

– Buy Gold Or Bitcoin As The “Liquidity Party” Is Ending?

– Why Russia and Turkey Diversifying Into Gold May Signal A Bigger Global Shift

– London House Prices Fall 1.9% In Quarter – Bubble Bursting?

– Gold Exports To London From U.S. Surge 152% In 2018

– Manipulation of Gold & Silver by Bullion Banks Is “Undeniable”

– “Perfect Environment For Gold” As Fed Will Weaken Dollar and Create Inflation – Rickards

– Russia Buys 600,000 oz Of Gold In May After Dumping Half Of US Treasuries In April

– In Gold, Silver and Bitcoin We Trust? Goldnomics Podcast with Ronald-Peter Stoeferle

– Own A “Bit Of Gold” As We Are Moving Ever Closer To A Trade War

– Bitcoin Price To $0 Or $1 Million In One Year? MoneyConf 2018 Poll

– Cashless Society – Good or Bad? MoneyConf 2018 Video

– Do We Still Need Banks In The Age Of Fintech?


The post Gold $10,000 In Currency Reset as Russia, China Gold Demand To Overwhelm Futures Manipulation (GOLDCORE VIDEO) appeared first on GoldCore Gold Bullion Dealer.
